Questions about our practice

Are you able to conduct SMI evaluations for serious mental illness?

We are not able to conduct an SMI evaluation. We encourage you to purse another agency which is approved by the Tribal or Regional Behavioral Health Authority (T/RBHA) in your area to determine any SMI designation. Counseling and behavioral health services for those determined to have an SMI should be referred by the assigned Provider Network Organization's case manager. 

If you would like an evaluation, click to follow this outside resource. 


Do you offer case management and social services?

Intercessory Counseling & Wellness, PLLC, offers psychotherapy to improve mental health and counseling or life coaching to help you meet your goals. We are not publicly funded at this time and do not have resources available for what are typically regarded as social services, or extended case-management needs. Other providers and other resources are available from the following links:

Catholic Charities, Arizona
Southwest Network's resource book
211 Arizona


How are you different from Catholic Charities Community Services of Arizona?

Catholic Charities in central and northern Arizona is a social work agency that is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. They offer counseling, which is powerful and helpful. Their intern counselors may or may not be practicing Catholics. Catholic Charities also may not offer specific programs for substance-use disorders.

Intercessory Counseling & Wellness, PLLC, provides evidence-based psychotherapy services rooted in a strongly Catholic spiritual and philosophical foundation. We are happy to refer our clients to Catholic Charities with needs that are best served by that social-work agency.


Are you able to make a monthly report to my DCS case worker / probation officer / other referral source?

Yes, we could. Please advise us of this need and our office staff will direct you to a short form to complete and discuss fees for this.


Could you write a letter to the court or to another entity for me?

Yes, we could. Please advise us of this need and our office staff will direct you to a short form to complete and discuss fees for this.


I’m going through a divorce or a custody battle. I’m going to have my defense attorney subpoena my counselor to testify in family court.

Intercessory Counseling & Wellness, PLLC, does not provide services pertaining to evaluations or recommendations pertaining to divorce, custody, or other similar or related court cases. 

Counseling is limited in scope to addressing your treatment goals, assisting you in finding helpful ways to address your own challenges, and to help you meet your own goals. A court setting is even more limited in scope. Court testimony is severely limited in what it can address, and there are many, many case histories in which the testimony of a counselor or social worker actually did more harm than good from the client’s point of view. This is because of the entities involved: the partner’s attorney, the guardian ad litem, the judge, the attorney general’s office, any of whom may conflagrate certain elements of testimony which will build their case, and minimize other elements which do not.

You may wish to strongly consider having your counselor write a letter to the court instead. The letter would be limited to specifically affirming your length of treatment and your own treatment goals, and would not offer any advice, evaluation, or recommendation. It may further address your response to treatment. This concise letter may be a powerful tool that helps you to help yourself.

Additional questions may be found on the Resources page.

Have a question that is not answered on our website? Contact us.