
Why should I get counseling if I’m normal? There’s nothing wrong with me.

Functioning at a normal state is a wonderful reason to get counseling, or at least life coaching: to help you to meet your own goals and to improve your satisfaction in a life already functional. It may be a matter of pride to believe that you don’t need counseling, but why go through life’s challenges and make important decisions alone? People come to Intercessory Counseling & Wellness for a myriad of reasons: everything from wanting to improve their overall holistic wellness to coping with severe trauma.

To determine if counseling is right for you, ask yourself: could I use some help in achieving my goals? Could an impartial third-party help me and my spouse improve our relationship? Do I sometimes become sad, or angry, or depressed, and I don’t really know why? Do I frequently have trouble sleeping?

It may be scary and require some courage to come to counseling, but we are here to help, with an absence of judgement and an abundance of empathy.

Sacred Scripture – the Holy Bible – has ample passages that advise people to get counseling:

"The prudent man doth all things with counsel: but he that is a fool, layeth open his folly" (Proverbs 13:16)

"Now, therefore, my son, follow my counsel" (Genesis 27:8)

"Seek counsel always of a wise man" (Tobias 4:19)

"His counsel pleased the king, and the princes…” (Esther 1:21)

"Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayst be wise in thy latter end" (Proverbs 19:20)

Throughout Western history, the seeking of counsel from an impartial person was considered not only normal, but a wise and prudent thing to do. A selection from St. Thomas Aquinas demonstrates this:

“Now there is much uncertainty in things that have to be done….Now in things doubtful and uncertain the reason does not pronounce judgment, without previous inquiry: wherefore the reason must of necessity institute an inquiry before deciding on the objects of choice; and this inquiry is called counsel.” Summa Theologiae, I-II, Q14, A1.