
Do I have to get a diagnosis? And will you tell me what it is?

A diagnosis does not have to be a label, and certainly should not be part of your identity. No one says, “I am cancer.” Why, then, do we accept “I am bipolar” in our lexicon? A diagnosis pertaining to mental health or illness is a standard way to identify a set of thoughts, emotions and moods, and behaviors that exist as a pattern in your life. With this standardization, behavioral health professionals may more easily and quickly turn toward specific, evidence-based techniques.

If you are utilizing psychotherapy, and especially if using insurance, there will be a diagnosis for billing purposes. Remember that you are not your diagnosis, and psychotherapy is a powerful way to work on yourself without fear, and without judgement.

We strongly encourage you to discuss your diagnosis with your counselor. At the intake session, your counselor gathers information from you and discusses possible diagnoses. You will be informed and you certainly have a right to this knowledge and the insight it may reveal.